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Data science

Our researcher and scientists are committed to provide solutions bringing only added-value and effectiveness. We develop tailored products for all type of applications in our business areas, aiming to help our customers to take the best decision at the right time.
We can help and intervene at all stage of the processes.

  • Data Extraction
  • Data Analytics
  • Dashboard & Vizualisation
  • Predictive Modelling

We rely on solid experience and technical skills to deliver the best solution fitting your needs. Statistical routing or Full Scale trials analyzis are perfect applications.
Clients & Partners : Statoil, Viking Ice Consultancy, Neoline, VPLP, etc.

  • Benefits
  • Tools & Methodology
  • Results & Presentation

Safety & Efficiency

Process Optimization
Operation performances improvements
Optimal Decision-making Process

Excellence & Dedication

We have developped in-house workflow and methods based on the most recognized tools (Numpy, Panda, etc.) and state of the art framework of Artificial Intelligence. Our solutions can be deployed on our clusters or on the very powerfull calculator operated by the High Performance Computing of Ecole Centrale Nantes (ICI).

Softwares : Matlab, Anaconda, TensorFlow, PyTorch

Langages : Python, C/C++, R, etc.

Powerful insights

The manipulation of massive heterogeneous data is complex. Through our R&D projects and activities, we have developped the required technical skills along with tools and methodologies. We help you to extract and capitalize pertinent informations from your data.

Softwares : PowerBI, etc.
Langages : Python, C/C++, R, etc.