R&D Engineer

We are looking for a Research Engineer to join our R&D department.

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About us

D-ICE Engineering is a deep-tech company founded in 2015 in Nantes. Our mission is to address three major challenges in the maritime sector: reducing the carbon footprint, enhancing safety at sea, and promoting clean energy production. To achieve this, we rely on a diverse range of expertise, including multiphysics simulation, scientific software development, marine engineering, and advanced navigation systems.

Today, the company has approximately 40 engineers and PhDs specializing in hydrodynamics, applied mathematics, robotics, control systems, and software engineering.

In 2024, D-ICE successfully raised €6 million in funding, marking a significant milestone in accelerating the commercialization of high-impact solutions for the maritime industry, thereby contributing to a more sustainable and decarbonized future.

About the position

We are looking for a Research Engineer (M/F) to join our COSMOS team.

Your main missions will be as follows:

  • Develop physical models and utilize our internal software to conduct technical studies and analyses for our clients.
  • Work onboard ships to configure and adjust our embedded control systems, under technical supervision.

Location: Nantes + travels

Important: We receive a large number of applications - Please excuse us for any delays in processing.

Required Skills

Your skills:

  • Naval Hydrodynamics
  • General Mechanics
  • C++/Python, Object-Oriented Programming
  • Profiency in English & French


  • Graduate of an engineering school or a university program related to hydrodynamics, mechanics, or scientific computing (examples: Centrale Nantes, Marseille, ENSTA Paris or Bretagne, ENSAM, ISITV, or equivalent)

Experience: 0 to 3 years

Soft Skills:

  • Listening
  • Ability to learn and adapt
  • Flexibility
  • Specific interest in the maritimeindustry


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